International Bibliography of Paremiology and Phraseology (2008-2022)


Wolfgang Mieder

International Bibliography of Paremiology and Phraseology (2008-2022) sadrži preko šest tisuća bibliografskih jedinica koje ne uključuju publikacije iz ranijih vremena. Svaka stavka navedena u bibliografijama nalazi se u Međunarodnoj arhivi poslovica prof. Wolfganga Miedera na Sveučilištu Vermont, SAD. Nakon što je cjelokupna arhiva donirana sveučilištu, ona se sada nalazi u jednoj od najljepših zgrada na kampusu te pruža znanstvenicima iz cijeloga svijeta mogućnost istraživanja i korištenja arhive. Sve bibliografske jedinice iz arhive dostupne su na upit.

"It is then an honor for me to present this new International Bibliography of Paremiology and Phraseology (2008-2022) with its over six thousand entries that include a fair number of publications from earlier times that that had not been registered before. Every item listed in the bibliographies is housed in my International Proverb Archive here at the University of Vermont. After donating the entire archive to the university, it is now housed in one of the most beautiful buildings on our campus. Scholars and students from many lands have come to work here, and it is my hope that others will take advantage of the archive long after I am gone. There is a modern American proverb that fits my dream in this regard: “If you build it, they will come.” So do come, and rest assured that you will be welcomed with open arms!" Wolfgang Mieder

Godina izdanja: 2023.
ISBN pdf izdanja: 978-953-314-194-7

Naslovnica International Bibliography


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3. July 2023.