Thomas LEITCH, editor. The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies. Oxford UP, 2017. ISBN: 9780199331000. 762 pp.

Main Article Content

Richard Cass


The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies (2017) is a massive volume in
more ways than one. Weighing over 2lbs (1.3 kg), it contains forty articles on
various aspects of adaptation written by a catalogue of star names in the very
ambitious attempt to cover all aspects of adaptation studies. Offering specific
suggestions pertinent to all ways of scholarly interaction with adaptation, that
is, how to adapt texts, and how to subsequently teach, read, and write about
adaptation, The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies, paradoxically, at the
same time reveals the adaptation’s mutability and versatility, and wants to fix its
every aspect. Moreover, rather than being ground-breaking in its entirety, much
of it represents a summary of knowledge available so far in other publications.

Article Details

Kako citirati
Cass, R. . (2023). Thomas LEITCH, editor. The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies. Oxford UP, 2017. ISBN: 9780199331000. 762 pp. Anafora, 4(2), 424–425. Preuzeto od