Navigating between Real and Virtual Storyworlds. Bell, Alice, and Marie-Laure Ryan. Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology, edited by Alice Bell and Marie-Laure Ryan, U of Nebraska P, 2019, 354 pp.

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Inna Livytska


Navigating between Real and Virtual Storyworlds. Bell, Alice, and Marie-Laure Ryan. Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology, edited by Alice Bell and Marie-Laure Ryan, U of Nebraska P, 2019, 354 pp.

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Kako citirati
Livytska, I. . (2023). Navigating between Real and Virtual Storyworlds. Bell, Alice, and Marie-Laure Ryan. Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology, edited by Alice Bell and Marie-Laure Ryan, U of Nebraska P, 2019, 354 pp. Anafora, 7(1), 257–263. Preuzeto od