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This study aims to reconstruct the linguistic-cultural image of TRUTH and LIE encoded in Lithuanian and English paremia by presenting their semantic and axiological content. The research is a part of the linguistic-cultural reconstruction of the concepts of TRUTH and LIE in both languages. It was carried out through the analysis of paremia, in the framework of the S-Q-T methodology proposed by the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin. More precisely, proverbs and sayings were analysed by distinguishing their semantic aspects, viewed from certain interpretational perspectives, and grouping them into the semantic profiles. The data was selected from the main national sources of proverbs and sayings: the systemic catalogue of Lithuanian proverbs and sayings, collected by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs and A Dictionary of American Proverbs. It has also been attempted to compare the Lithuanian and English ethno-conceptualization of TRUTH an LIE by distinguishing their common and culturally specific features.


Snukiškienė, I. „LINGUO-CULTURAL PICTURE OF “TRUTH” AND “LIE” IN LITHUANIAN AND ENGLISH PROVERBS“. Proverbium, Bd. 39, Nr. 1, Juli 2022, S. 300-324, doi:10.29162/pv.39.1.63.


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