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Fionnuala Carson Williams


A large collection of contemporaneous folklore from Ireland has recently become available online. It contains thousands of proverbs, mainly in lists but some in various kinds of narrative and some with explanations. The article below outlines the background to the collection, the main concerns and contents of the proverbs and how to access them. The collection is being transcribed and these transcriptions are word or even proverb-searchable.

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Comment citer
Carson Williams, F. « THE SCHOOLS’ MANUSCRIPTS COLLECTION PROVERBS OF IRELAND AND THEIR DIGITIZATION ». Proverbium, vol. 35, nᵒ 1, août 2018, p. 361-374,


[Carson] Williams, Fionnuala 1980 ‘The Schools’ Collection, Department of Irish Folklore, University College Dublin, as a source for proverb research.’ Proverbium Paratum 1, 1980, 47-55.

[Carson] Williams, Fionnuala 1983 ‘Of Proverbial Birds and Beasts.’ Sinsear (1982-83), 127-132.

Irish Folklore Commission 1937 Béaloideas. Dublin: The Department of Education. (Irish-language version.)

Irish Folklore Commission 1937 Irish Folklore and Tradition. Dublin: The Department of Education. (English-language version.)

The Folklore of Ireland Council 2013 The Folklore of Ireland Council Comhairle Bhéaloideas Éireann Annual Report 2012-2013. Dublin: UCD.(An Irish-English publication.)

The Folklore of Ireland Council 2015 The Folklore of Ireland Council Comhairle Bhéaloideas Éireann Annual Report 2014-2015. Dublin: UCD. (An Irish-English publication.)

Hakamies, Pekka 2008 ‘Food and eating represented in Finnish proverbs.’ In 2nd Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Proverbs Proceedings. 2 Coloquio Interdisplinar sombre Proverbios Actas. Editors Rui J B Soares and Outi Lauhakangas. Tavira: Tavirense, 230-237.

Mahon, Bríd c.1980 Irish Food. Folens Irish Environmental Library No. 23. Tallaght: Folens.

NFC S=National Folklore Collection Schools Manuscripts Collection.

Smith, William George 1970, 1975 reprint The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs. 3rd edition revised by F P Wilson. Oxford: Oxford University Press.