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The aim of this study is to find Egyptian-Arabic phraseological units with somatic components which are equivalent to the German phraseological units. The study also aims at finding the degrees of equivalence between the pairs of the phraseological units in this study. Based on analysing the semantic, syntactical, lexical aspects and also the aspect of imagery of the phraseological units with somatic components as such and in their relations among each other the phraseological units of the underlying corpus are divided according to the following degrees of equivalence, namely full and partial equivalence. On the basis of the findings two types of equivalence are added namely the phraseological units with asymmetric idiomatic meanings and others considered as “false friends”. The result of this study is that only 8,5% of the German phraseological units with somatic components have Egyptian-Arabic phraseological units with somatic components as equivalents. Phraseological units with full equivalence appear in 32 Egyptian-Arabic phraseological units (nearly 3%), partial equivalence in 19 Egyptian-Arabic phraseological units (nearly 1,8%) and phraseological units with asymmetric idiomatic meanings in 38 Egyptian-Arabic phraseological units (nearly 3,6%). The number of the “false friends” among the phraseological units is 10 (nearly 1% of the German corpus).
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Библиографические ссылки
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