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Pilar Orero




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Как цитировать
Orero, P. «EDWARD LEAR’S WELLERISMS». Proverbium, т. 21, вып. 1, август 2004 г., сс. 287-298, https://naklada.ffos.hr/casopisi/index.php/proverbium/article/view/619.

Библиографические ссылки

Bibby, Cyril (1978): The Art of the Limerick. London: The Research Publishing Co.

Bryan, George B. and Wolfgang Mieder (1997): The Proverbial Charles Dickens. An Index to Proverbs in the Works of Charles Dickens. New York: Peter Lang.

Davidson, Angus (1938): Edward Lear. Landscape Painter and Nonsense Poet (1812-1888). London: John Murray.

Gray, Donald J. (1966-67): “The Uses of Victorian Laughter,” Victorian Studies, 10: 145-76.

Levi, Peter (1995): Edward Lear. A Biography. London: Macmillan.

Mieder, Wolfgang. & Kingsbury, S. A. (1994): A Dictionary of Wellerisms. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Noakes, Vivien (1968): Edward Lear. The Life of a Wanderer. London: Collins.

Noakes, Vivien (1988): Edward Lear Selected Letters. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Noakes, Vivien (2001): Edward Lear. The Complete Verse and Other Nonsense. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

WIilliams, G. L. (1966): “Sam Weller”. Trivium 1, 88-101.