Gertrud Schneider-Blum. Máakuti t’awá shuultáa: Proverbs Finish the Problems: Sayings of the Alaaba (Ethiopia) Köln 2009

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Peter Unseth

Article Details

Как цитировать
Unseth, P. «Gertrud Schneider-Blum. Máakuti t’awá shuultáa: Proverbs Finish the Problems: Sayings of the Alaaba (Ethiopia): Köln 2009». Proverbium, т. 30, август 2013 г., сс. 459-461,

Библиографические ссылки

Alster, Bendt. 1979. An Akkadian and a Greek Proverb. A Comparative Study. Die Welt des Orients 10:1-5.

Dundes, Alan. 1964. Some Yoruba Wellerisms, Dialogue Proverbs, and Tongue-Twisters. Folklore 75.2: 113-120.

Moran, William L. 1978. An Assyriological Gloss on the New Archilochus Fragment. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 82: 17-19.

Schneider-Blum, Gertrud. 2007. A Grammar of Alaaba, A Highland East Cushitic Language of Ethiopia. (Cushitic Language Studies, 25.) Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.