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Anita Naciscione


A closer look at terminology reveals the need to rethink some
of the fundamental terms in the study of proverbs. My aim is to explore
the basic terminology in paremiological research and raise awareness of
the terms used. My approach is cognitive semantic.
An essential aspect in proverb research is the choice of terminology
that forms the conceptual framework for research: the terminology employed discloses part of the author’s conception of the phenomenon. In
paremiology, attitudes to proverbs have differed greatly. Along with stable positive terminology used in paremiological research since the beginning of the 1930s (Taylor 1931; Whiting 1931; Mieder 1974, 1989,
1993), a number of negative terms have been introduced, displaying an
overtly or covertly negative attitude. Most of the negative terms are metaphorical.
Cognitively, the meaning of a metaphorical term is an integral part
of the respective research concept (Gibbs [1994] 1999; Naciscione 2006,
2010). Negative terminology raises doubt about the correctness of choice
of term. Proverbs have been branded as stereotypes (Moon 1998; Norrick
2007) and clichés (Kirkpatrick 1996b; Rees 1996; Moon 1998; Cresswell
2000; Hayden 2013). Proverbs are often referred to as quotations (Cram
1983; Norrick 2007). They are even called a hodge-podge, a fuzzy category whose “images often fail miserably as models for organizing our
perceptions of current situations” (Norrick 2007). I view the use of negative terminology in proverb research as groundless and inappropriate.
Proverbs form part of cultural folk heritage; they are retained in the
collective long-term memory of a people. Linguistically, choice of research terms is closely linked with the basic linguistic and cognitive understanding of proverbs in both the system of language and proverbs in
use. More clarity and consistency in terminology would make it easier to
communicate a message and follow developments. 

Article Details

proverb, terminology, metaphor, cognitive semantics, cultural folk heirtage, collective long-term memory
How to Cite
Naciscione, A. “RETHINKING BASIC TERMINOLOGY IN PROVERB RESEARCH: A COGNITIVE STUDY”. Proverbium - Yearbook, vol. 32, no. 1, Aug. 2015, pp. 339-357,


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