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József Attila Balázsi
Elisabeth Piirainen


The proverb Speak of the wolf (or: of the devil) and he will appear leads back to early folk belief that uttering the name of a demon could serve to summon it. Correspondences of the proverb exist in a large variety of languages in an abundant morpho-syntactic and lexical variability. Especially the parallelism of WOLF and DEVIL raises questions that can be answered only within a wide range of cultural contexts such as folklore, mythology, symbolism, tabooing of names, Christian exegesis, fairy tales and literature, among other things.

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Balázsi, J. A. ., et E. Piirainen. « DEVIL IN WOLF’S CLOTHING : VARIATIONS ON THE THEME OF “SPEAK OF THE WOLF / DEVIL AND HE APPEARS” ». Proverbium, vol. 33, nᵒ 1, août 2016, p. 29-50,


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