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Luis J. Tosina Fernández


This work is the result of research into the use of proverbs in the adventures of Asterix the Gaul, one of the most relevant comic sagas in all of Europe. Specifically, here we examine several cases in which the translator of the adventures into Spanish has included a proverb in the characters' interventions in which paremias are not used in the original French version. Thus, the intention of the present study is to establish the characteristics and evaluate the effectiveness of this procedure as a translation tool, in addition to determining whether this is something typical of the Spanish edition or if, on the contrary, It is also common in other editions. To this end, the aforementioned versions have been contrasted with the English and German ones to analyze how they treat the same passages so that it can be determined with a certain degree of accuracy to what extent the cultural or folkloristic background of these languages, part of which is common, is used to solve some difficulties that the translator may encounter or to take advantage of the visual resources that comics offer with the intention of providing a product that is more understandable.

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Как цитировать
Tosina Fernández, L. J. «PAREMIOLOGICAL CREATIVITY IN THE SPANISH TRANSLATIONS OF ASTÉRIX ​». Proverbium, т. 38, вып. 1, август 2021 г., сс. 361-376,