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Charles Clay Doyle


The proverbial phrase “wear one’s heart on his sleeve” derives from a line in Shakespeare’s Othello. It has taken on a variety of meanings and acquired variants in wording, most notably, the common substitution of an abstract noun for the metaphorical heart, and the fre-quent replacement of wear with hang or pin. The image of pinning to the sleeve has its own history, which antedates Shakespeare’s play.

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Как цитировать
Doyle, C. C. «"WEARING ONE’S HEART ON HIS SLEEVE” : THE FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF A (SHAKESPEAREAN) PROVERBIAL PHRASE». Proverbium, т. 31, август 2014 г., сс. 183-191, https://naklada.ffos.hr/casopisi/index.php/proverbium/article/view/698.

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