Minas Al. Alexiadis, Marianthi Kaplanoglou, and Aristeides N. Doulaveras, eds. The Proclamation of Professor Wolfgang Mieder as Honorary Doctorate by the Department of Literature of the Philosophical School of the University of Athens. (Ceremony in the Main Hall, December 16, 2014). Athens 2015
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Kaliambou, M. «Minas Al. Alexiadis, Marianthi Kaplanoglou, and Aristeides N. Doulaveras, Eds. The Proclamation of Professor Wolfgang Mieder As Honorary Doctorate by the Department of Literature of the Philosophical School of the University of Athens. (Ceremony in the Main Hall, December 16, 2014).: Athens 2015». Proverbium, т. 34, вып. 1, август 2017 г., сс. 419-421, https://naklada.ffos.hr/casopisi/index.php/proverbium/article/view/802.