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Marcas Mac Coinnigh


In recent years, linguistic studies into the concept of ‘proverbiality’ have provided paremiologists with a more comprehensive under-standing of the form and function of proverbial markers in a wide range of languages. Unfortunately, the Irish language has, until now, not featured in any of these linguistic analyses. This paper seeks to re-address this imbalance and to bring the unique structure and style of Irish-language proverbs to the attention of the international community of paremiologists for the first time. This research study applies the general methodology adopted by such scholars as Mahgoub (1948), Silverman-Weinreich (1978) and Arora (1984), to a corpus sample of Irish proverbs and provides both a qualitative and quantitative account of the most salient syntactic structures contained in Irish-language proverbs. Proverbial patterns as well as the collocation of proverbial markers are also discussed.

Article Details

Irish language, syntax, style, emphatic word order, clefting, parallelism, parataxis
How to Cite
Mac Coinnigh, M. “SYNTACTIC STRUCTURES IN IRISH-LANGUAGE PROVERBS”. Proverbium - Yearbook, vol. 29, no. 1, Aug. 2012, pp. 95-136,


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