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Elisabeth Piirainen


The topic of this paper is widespread idioms (WIs) originating from the domain ‘modern technology’. These idioms are only a small
part of the entire “Lexicon of Common Figurative Units” (i.e. the inventory of idioms which exist in a large number of European languages in a similar lexical structure and in the same figurative core meaning). The six idioms discussed here belong to one of the most recent layers of the common European figurative language. 

Article Details

Lexicon of Common Figurative Units, intertextuality, languages of Europe, modern source concepts of idioms, widespread idioms
How to Cite
Piirainen, E. “TECHNOLOGY OF MODERN TIMES AS A SOURCE OF THE ‘LEXICON OF COMMON FIGURATIVE UNITS’”. Proverbium - Yearbook, vol. 28, no. 1, Aug. 2011, pp. 259-280,


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